Horror Fiction

From classic ghost stories to gothic tales with an eerie modern twist, our chilling ebooks, audiobooks, and podcasts will haunt you — delightfully. Frightful stories of witches, exorcisms, and murderous neighbors by celebrated writers like Mary Shelley and Stephen Graham Jones are scarily easy to find with a Everand subscription.

From classic ghost stories to gothic tales with an eerie modern twist, our chilling ebooks, audiobooks, and podcasts will haunt you — delightfully. Frightful stories of witches, exorcisms, and murderous neighbors by celebrated writers like Mary Shelley and Stephen Graham Jones are scarily easy to find with a Everand subscription.


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Night Side of the River
Night Side of the River
Night Side of the River
Night Side of the River

Night Side of the River

byJeanette Winterson

A captivating collection of ghost stories from “one of the most gifted writers working today” (New York Times), Night Side of the River  is as ingeniously provocative as it is downright spooky. In this delightfully chilling collection, the iconic Jeanette Winterson turns her fearless gaze to the realm of ghosts, interspersing her own encounters with the supernatural alongside hair-raising fictions. Lifting the veil between the living and the dead, Winterson spirits us away to a haunted estate that ensnares a nomadic young couple in its own dark past, a staged immersive ghost tour gone awry, a West Village séance that threatens the bounds between AI and reality, and a vacation home in the metaverse where a widow visits an improved version of her deceased husband. Gloriously gothic and unnervingly contemporary, Winterson examines grief, revenge, and the myriad ways in which technology can disrupt the boundary between life and death.

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